Bathtub Refinishing Versus Bathtub Replacement

Bathtub Refinishing Versus Bathtub Replacement

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Water damage is one of the most devastating disasters that can happen to your home. From leaking roofs to rising flood water to small, persistent drips, water can cause significant, expensive damage to any building.

While some rebuilds are simple, you may not feel comfortable taking on the bigger jobs. To ensure that everything is done well and done correctly, consider talking to a contractor. He can also help you envision what you need to make your bathroom the room you've always wanted without a complete remodel.

Bathroom tiles can simply become dull through build-ups of environmental debris, smoke, or even mold. The simple wall cleaning you do occasionally might remove water spots or obvious dirt, but is not sufficient to remove from ceramic bathroom tiles the oils that smoke resolves into. The tiles may be clean but amazing reglazing reviews the grout gets discolored easily. By giving your bathroom walls a spring cleaning, you can restore it to the brilliance it once had.

Often, reglazing tub and shower pans are crazy colors like pink or avocado - or perhaps they are white or off white but have chips in the enamel. There are kits at the big box home improvement stores for re-enameling a tub or shower pan, or sink to be white or off white. It's a messy job, with fumes involved, but the kits are cheap, running around $40 or less. Make sure to also do an online search for companies in your area that can do the re-enamel for you. We often hire these companies for our listings. However, bear in mind that sometimes buying a new sink is less expensive than hiring a re-enamel company; whereas, typically putting new enamel onto a tub is less costly than replacing it.

Needless to say, because Carol had just spent her life savings on the purchase of her home, there was not a lot of money in the budget to turn her eye sore of a bathroom into a place of escape and tranquility. Not knowing how to accomplish this task on a shoestring budget, she asked me if I would offer her some advice. So here is the advice I gave Carol.

The mixture will clean the stains without damaging the shiny finish. However, cleaning bath tub restoration will be very difficult for some people. It would be better if you prevent the stains. The preventive action can be used to avoid the stains. You can rinse the tub right after you use it.

The next step in the process is to sand down the surface of your tub in order to rough it up a bit and make the surface even. This will make it easier for the paint to cling to the surface. At this point you should also cover up any surfaces that you do not wish to paint with masking tape.

No matter what kind of tub you install, you'll want to inspect your work numerous times to make sure everything has been done correctly. After you're convinced everything is right, you'll need to run a bead of caulking around all tub edges that meet the wall and allow the caulking to cure for at least 24 hours before using the tub. Installed incorrectly, the tub can actually slide back off the ledgers while you or a loved one is bathing. You can never be too careful. If you aren't totally comfortable with the work you've done, find a professional plumber to help you out.

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